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Waste, Recycling and Incoming TEEP Regulations

The incoming TEEP regulations have been causing considerable debate in the UK waste industry. Draft guidance published by the Environment Agency (EA) states that from January 2015 commingled waste collections will only be permitted where they provide “high quality recyclate” or where separate collection “is not practicable”.

The regulations state that dry recyclables of at least paper, metal, plastic and glass for household and commercial waste must be collected separately. They must not be remixed later, in order to promote high quality recycling. This includes a specific requirement, by 1 January 2015, to set up separate collections of paper, plastic, metal and glass as a minimum.

Collectors of these wastes must collect these materials separately, unless it is not necessary to provide high quality recyclates; or unless it is not technically, environmentally or economically practicable (“TEEP”).

Practically, Clearaway provides a service for the collection of mixed dry recyclables with the material being sorted into paper, plastic etc at a Material Recycling Facility. Please contact us at to discuss how we can help provide you with mixed recycling services.